“We were born to worship.”
This powerful phrase from my song Born To Worship captures the essence of our purpose: Every breath, every moment, and every ounce of creativity we possess is meant to glorify God.
As John Piper beautifully said, “Man’s chief purpose is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”
My mission is to help people reconnect with this divine calling, inspiring authentic worship that reveals the heart of Jesus. Through music, creative projects, events, and atmospheres charged with the Holy Spirit, we have the privilege of inviting others into God’s presence.
I pray that as you explore the music, resources, and projects on this site, you are drawn into a personal encounter with your Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ.
— Nathan Ironside
Alive + Awake + Responding Now
As John Piper beautifully said, “Man’s chief purpose is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”
My mission is to help people reconnect with this divine calling, inspiring authentic worship that reveals the heart of Jesus. Through music, creative projects, events, and atmospheres charged with the Holy Spirit, we have the privilege of inviting others into God’s presence.
I pray that as you explore the music, resources, and projects on this site, you are drawn into a personal encounter with your Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ.
— Nathan Ironside
Alive + Awake + Responding Now